Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Instant Abs

You know since I've started this blog, I've learned so much about so many different types of plastic surgery. A lot of it just makes me scratch my head in disbelief. I remember back in high school when we'd go to the weight room and lift weights. Within a few weeks you start seeing results. I commend the people who still have the will power to keep up a daily routine of exercise. At the same time, it's like looking into a mirror and knowing what everyone is capable of achieving. Anyways, check out this video. You don't even have to work for a six pack anymore! Hell, just go buy one! Geez...


Unknown said...

It's true, you don't even have to work for it anymore. What happened to work ethic!

Fahmi Raazali said...

Is it the cost for plastic surgery cheap? But I will never do plastic surgery, I like my body the it is.

At least if I wanted a nice body, I rather do the exercise than do some plastic surgery.

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